Initiation of Chenrezig Mahamudra
Wednesday May 21, 6.30pm
This initiation bestows the authority to meditate on Chenrezik, the embodiment of compassionate energy, and on mahamudra - the great seal - which is the true nature of mind. It is one of the most widespread meditation practices in Vajrayana Buddhism. This initiation is connected with the famous sadhana composed by the great Sakyapa master Ngorchen Konchog Lhundrup. Refuge and the bodhisattva vow will be given to everyone during the preliminary part of the initiation.
Weekend Retreat on Vajrapani Bhutadamara
Days 1 & 2 - Saturday to Sunday, May 24-25, 10.30am to 4.30pm
Day 3 - Monday, May 26, 10.30am to 4.30pm
Vajrapani is one of the Lords of the Three Families and is revered in all traditions of vajrayana Buddhism as the embodiment of the power of all buddhas. In these two full days of teaching, Lama Jampa will bestow the initiation of Vajrapani Bhutadamara, teach the guide to the practice composed by the eminent master Zuchen Tsultim Rinchen, and lead a number of meditation practice sessions.
The practice of Bhutadamara is usually undertaken in order to overcome negativities that obstruct spiritual progress in the Vajrayana. It is customary in the Sakya tradition to practice this before embarking on the supreme Yogachara meditations. Refuge and the bodhisattva vow will be given to everyone during the preliminary part of the initiation.
Days 1 and 2 will comprise the initiation and transmission of the explanation, with some practice if there is time. Day 3 will comprise a number of practice sessions together with additional clarification as required.
Initiation of Thousand-Armed Chenrezig
Wednesday May 28, 6.30pm
Chenrezik is revered in all traditions of Buddhism as the supreme embodiment of compassion. This initiation is from the lineage of the great nun, Lakshminkara, and is associated with the one-day fasting ritual of Chenrezik. Refuge and the bodhisattva vow will be given to everyone during the preliminary part of the initiation.
Parting from the Four Attachments
Saturday May 30, 10.30am to 4.30pm
Lama Jampa will present the famous Sakya teaching of Parting from the Four Attachments (Tib. Zhenpa Zhidral) composed by the first of the five founding masters of Sakya, Sachen Kunga Nyingpo. Lama Jampa will explain the text using the famous commentary composed by the Buddhist philosopher, Gormapa Sonam Senge, The Key to the Profound Meaning. This set of guided meditations on the spiritual path is excellent for both beginners and those who are more experienced.