First Week of Teachings in Los Angeles
Lama Jampa Thaye teaching at Sakya Samten Ling
Lama Jampa has completed the first week of his American teaching visit. Over the weekend he continued to teach The Telescope of Wisdom, Karma Thinley Rinpche’s commentary on Nagarjuna’s Letter to a Friend and bestowed the initiation of White Mahakala to sangha members of Sakya Samten Ling and dharma students from further afield. The sangha enjoyed a celebratory lunch with Lama Jampa and Dechen Dolma on a sunny afternoon that was somewhat colder than usual for Los Angeles!
In the days since then the schedule has been busy with personal interviews, pujas and, most recently, the meditation transmission (gom-lung) of Tangtong Gyalpo’s Chenrezik practice. It is impossible to express the depth of Lama Jampa’s kindness or the joy which his students feel as we sit in his presence during these days of teachings and blessings while the dharma flows from him like the gentlest and deepest of rivers.
Tomorrow (Friday) sees Lama Jampa depart for a weekend visit to Tsechen Namdrol Ling in New Mexico where he will teach from the new edition of his book Diamond Sky and give two initiations. He will return to Los Angeles on Monday April 3 for the final week of his visit.