Wednesday November 6, 6.30pm - Mind Training in a Single Session
This text was composed in the thirteenth century by Chim Namkha Drak, the great abbot of the Kadampa monastery of Narthang in Tibet. It comes from the mind training (Lojong) collection of teachings. Inspired by Atisha, this teaching encapsulates the essential steps of the Mahayana, presenting them in a way that we can apply directly to our own personal situation. The only qualification we need to practise the teaching is, our ordinary, confused mind, full of disturbing emotions and self-clinging. With an unparalleled directness, they allow us to transform all situations, positive and negative, into the path of awakening.
Saturday November 9, 10.30am - The Friendly Letter
Lama Jampa will continue to teach the Friendly Letter, composed by the great Indian philosopher Nagarjuna. The Friendly Letter is a supremely clear account of how we can practise the threefold path of morality, meditation and wisdom. To elucidate the text, Lama Jampa will teach according to the detailed commentary, The Telescope of Wisdom by Karma Thinley Rinpoche.
Saturday November 9, 2.30pm - The Initiation of Red Saraswati
Saraswati is famous as one of the principal wisdom deities in vajrayana buddhism. The practice of Red Saraswati cultivates the wisdom to both understand the teachings and to realise the true nature of things. From such wisdom all the seen and unseen qualities on the Buddhist path arise. Refuge and the bodhisattva vow will be given to everyone during the preliminary part of the initiation.
Wednesday November 13, 6.30pm Initiation of Green Tara, Atisha lineage
The goddess Tara is revered in all traditions of vajrayana buddhism as the embodiment of the liberating activity of all buddhas. As such her initiation and meditation are especially effective means of awakening one’s innate capacity for enlightened compassion. Refuge and the bodhisattva vow will be given to everyone during the preliminary part of the initiation.
Green Tara
Saturday November 16, 10.30am - The Friendly Letter
Lama Jampa will continue to teach the Friendly Letter by Nagarjuna.
Saturday November 16, 2.30pm - The Initiation of White Tara
The goddess Tara is revered in all traditions of vajrayana buddhism as the embodiment of the liberating activity of all buddhas. White Tara is one of the three deities of longevity whose practice is renowned for bestowing the blessings of long life and thus increasing the opportunity for spiritual practice. This initiation is from the lineage of the great master, Shakyashribadra. Refuge and the bodhisattva vow will be given to everyone during the preliminary part of the initiation.
White Tara