Mondays 6.30-7.30 pm
Join us for a guided session of calm-abiding meditation, where we focus on the breath to settle the mind. This simple yet powerful practice helps you feel clear, relaxed, and grounded. Perfect for beginners and anyone who enjoys meditating in a supportive group. Led by Miranda.
Wednesdays 6.30-7.30pm
Learn the Mind Training techniques through which we can develop resilience and live a kind and fulfilling life. Includes periods of meditation. This class is suitable for everyone. Led by Roz.
Saturdays 9-10 am
Learn about the essential teachings of the Buddha such as Buddha-nature, impermanence, karma, rebirth, the mind of enlightenment, and the vajrayana. For those new to Buddhism and practitioners wanting to explore and discuss. Led by Paul.
Sundays 10.30-11.30am
Group practice of the vajrayana deity yoga (Tib. sadhana) of Chenrezig, the Buddha of Compassion. If you have not received the transmission for this practice you are welcome to sit-in.